Our News

Woocommerce VAT Rates Fix For Island of Ireland

Woocommerce VAT Rates Fix For Island of Ireland

With the changes brought about by Brexit, Woocommerce is currently unable to handle UK regions and their different VAT status for consumer sales. For small business on the Island of Ireland this can be challenging to manage with ecommerce sales on your website. We are...

WordPress Admin Slow To Load

WordPress Admin Slow To Load

Is your Wordpress admin , slow to load when using woo commerce, especially when editing or adding products? Well if you are using Divi and finding this to be the case, here is a quick fix that will that will solve the issue quickly for you. If you have the Divi...

WooCommerce New Database Structure

WooCommerce New Database Structure

WooCommerce will be rolling out a new database structure shortly, it is expected that the new system will roll out some time in August 23. Called high performance object storage, the feature will be able to significantly increase the checkout process for orders...

Divi Builder Not Loading

Divi Builder Not Loading

One of the more common issues you will find people searching for about the Divi theme is when the Divi Builder is not loading. Elegant themes have an article here that shows you some troubleshooting you can go through to resolve. Working on some sites recently we...

Fatal Error The7 Theme Unable to Access Your Site

Fatal Error The7 Theme Unable to Access Your Site

Seeing A Fatal Error The7 Theme Unable to Access Your Site Admin If you are running the7 theme and unable to access your Wordpress websites back end, it is being caused by a plugin you either have not installed or not updated called the7 elements. You will recieve an...

WordPress Theme and Plugins Folder

WordPress Theme and Plugins Folder

Theme and Plugin Folders In our last video we looked at how to gain access to our Wordpress files on our website using FTP or SFTP. Most of the files on your installation are one's that you will rarely or never have to work on. Two files that govern the site set up...